About Decline
(Jeune création exhibition, Centquatre)
"Gaël Bonnefon's irreparably altered photographs expose at their very surface the entire reach of an unspoken and continuous pain. In a coldly unreal color scheme which excludes all hope or ideal, these photographs are as many silent cries of a distraught soul. What transpires in them is a rift which simultaneously swallows wails and echos.
The artists imagery, snapshots of commonplace drama, are a confrontation with reality. They update the defense mecanism that man develops in order to cope with unbearable truth. More than just a diary intimizing the fruitless custom of being trapped by the torpor of the mundane, About Decline reveals the tragedy of man's everyday struggle. The alteration here is not merely a physical transformation of the film but that of life and being oneself [...]".
Marine Eric
Translated from the French by Matilda Holloway
Elegy for the Mundane
Michaël Soyez (exhibition text - Château d'Eau gallery 2019)
Melancholia of the crepuscule
Sébastien Porte (Télérama n°3163)
"Elegy for the Mundane" les aspérités d'un même monde
Julien Hory (Fisheye magazine)
Entre les gens
Paul de Sorbier (exhibition text, Maison Salvan)
Douceurs de la vie violente
Fabien Ribery (L'intervalle)
Elegy for the mundane
Mickaël Soyez (catalogue, Château d'eau)
Une poétique de l'accident
L'intervalle (Entretien par Fabien Ribery)
About decline
(Exhibition text / Château d'eau gallery)
Temps Zéro
Mina Lenvka (website)
Elle est où la baballe?
Olivier Michelon (catalogue, Afiac 2013)
Les herbes fauves
Arnaud Fourrier (catalogue, Afiac 2013)
About decline - fragments -
François Saint-Pierre (Notice, Abattoirs Museum collection)
59 km
Michel Métayer (Cheminements 2011)
About decline
Marine Eric (Jeune création exhibition, Le Centquatre)